The Author

Angela & Bodhi

Hello. I am GeekGyrl. I am 51 years young and have been an Internet junkie since 1992. In addition, I have worked in Information Technology for over 30 years, working in development, operations, networking, infosec, support, and technical project management.

Between my online presence and gaming, folks might know me online as:

  • Havening: phoxxy
  • phoxxy
  • World of Warcraft (Area 52): Preghiera (Priest) – Ðotmatrix (Warlock) – Morsmordré (DK) – Mnemoníc (Shaman)
  • Fallout76 (PC): GeekGyrl
  • Guild Wars 2: Morsmordre (Necromancer)
  • Final Fantasy XIV: Asa Meshi’mae (White Mage)
  • Other: Ramblgyrl, Geekgyrl, IndyGeekGyrl

As you can tell, I’m a video game hobbyist. I’m also a savage baker and cook, both of which I enjoy immensely. I love to read anything, and I’m a sponge with a damn near-photographic memory. I can regurgitate useless facts with equal annoyance and amazement to others, have impeccable attention to detail, and often see the extraneous in an unnerving way. As my husband posits, it seems to go hand-in-hand with my clinical OCD. In short, I have a long memory and am quirky and geeky.

Lastly, if you can’t handle me at my political activism, you don’t deserve me at my shitposting.



About the Site

I launched my first blog in 1998 on While I retain the rights to, my Ramblings of a Gyrl blog found a home at in the late 2000s. During my divorce several years ago, I stepped away from blogging, but I returned in 2019, creating Admittedly, I am not as involved as previously, but due to recent changes in my employment, thanks to getting RIF’d, I seem to have an abundance of time on my hands outside of job searching.

This site operates on WordPress, and I use Adobe Photoshop and Gimp for graphics as well as Visual Studio, Vim, and Notepad++ for editing code.