Glam: The Ultimate Savage

I like working on my glam in FFXIV. Truth be told, I love that fact that I can create some reasonably modern or trendy looking styles in-game without looking like I stepped out of a Lord of the Rings novel. I currently have most of my glams below linked at the Eorzea Collection online.

And yes. Somewhere along the line I switched from Miquote to Hyur (Human), too.

Grecian GoddessWhite Mage
Blind AngstWhite Mage
Exotic DancerDancer
Gyaru MagicBlack Mage
Street DancerDancer
Sporty & SpunkyPaladin
Witchy WitchHoliday Glam (Any Class)
Unnamed Glam Summoner
Christmas GlamAny Class